

For One So Loved is dedicated to keeping memorial sites alive. What would happen if cemeteries charged $100 a year and if you – or someone in your family – stopped paying, the cemetery sold that plot and that headstone to someone else, to do whatever they wanted with it? Of course we don’t let that happen as a community.

If you have a memorial website that you have but can no longer afford to keep running, contact us. We will assume all the costs of keeping that site alive and also keeping that content hosted here. We cannot do every site we are asked to host, but we our best to support as many as we can.

Additionally we are always looking for help in defraying the costs of hosting and promotion of the site. Currently our friends at Green Meadow Memorials who sell cremation urns for people make the site possible. If you or your organization wishes to also assist, please contact us.

Send me an email at and you will receive information on how to transfer this responsibility to us.

For One So Loved